According to statutory plan(OZP) in that area, planning and regulation can be done on those occupied vacant land. The objective of the project is to control the negative effects brought by the urban sprawl as well as catering the needs of diverse population. The Study provides an opportunity to review the degraded brownfield and under-utilized land for more beneficial uses, and improving the local environment. In the following, I have proposed several ways to improve the social and environment.

I proposed to modify the existing park in Tong Yan San Tsuen. The park is currently an unused park despite it is the only local open space area in my projected area. First, there are no active or passive use because residents there do not use the park. and residents rather walk their dogs on the main roads.
Therefore, I think redesign of the park is necessary to cater the needs of the diverse population in that area, plus some facilities in the park.

As observed, the neighborhood in the projected area is unsatisfied. First, the streets are messy and with garbage on the sidewalk which cause mosquitoes issue. The garbage collection station should be well-covered with shelter and perhaps with human management.
There are no barriers in between the main roads and side walk which is a potential danger for the pedestrian since the large trucks often pass by. There is a need to design and put up some natural or artificial barriers, setbacks and road signs to remind both drivers and pedestrian.

The projected area is highly inaccessible, there are no bus stops, only a few minibus stops direct to the Yuen Long center. To increase the connectivity of this area and the urban area in Yuen Long, more transport choices need to be provided, or else people rely on their automobile. Since the projected area is far from the west rail station, the authority not only can set up some transportation such as bus and minibus, but also set up official bike lanes from the Ping Shan South to the Yuen Long center and also the Ping Shan MTR station. Here are the two options for side walk desiign with (option A) and without (option B) the bike land design.

From my field observation, there are quite a number of people uses bikes to travel, they currently ride on the main roads which is very dangerous because of the busy truck traffic from the industries. Setting up bike lanes is also a healthier lifestyle and transport choice for the residents there.

There are restriction on the government intervention can be done in the project area. According to the radio interview with Town Planning Board and Yuen Long District Council, over 80% of the area is privately-owned land. Therefore, due to the respect of the low-density development strategy, the proposed plans would not include plans for increase in residential or population density. 
Meanshile, the government is targeting the Yuen Long South area as the potential low-density housing site in the future to cater the soaring population in Yuen Long. Details can be find the government report.