Career and Professional Development
Professional Recognition
Graduates from this programme can become professional surveyors in planning and development of HKIS and RICS. They can also become professional urban planners if they continue with the Master of Science in Urban Planning programme, the only programme in Hong Kong recognized by the Hong Kong Institute of Planners (HKIP) and Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI). They are also eligible for professional postgraduate programmes in architecture, urban design, conservation, landscape architecture, real estate, transport policy and planning, and housing management at the University of Hong Kong, which lead to respective professional qualifications, while also providing an interdisciplinary educational foundation for success in any field:
Master of Science in Urban Planning
The only programme in Hong Kong which is recognized by professional planning institutions in Hong Kong as well as throughout the European Union. Graduates of the programme with two years of relevant experience are eligible for membership of the Hong Kong Institute of Planners (HKIP) and the Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI) of the United Kingdom and can become a Registered Professional Planner in Hong Kong. Membership of the Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI) of the United Kingdom is also recognized by the Planning Institute of Australia (PIA) for reciprocal membership. Members of the Hong Kong Institute of Planners (HKIP) can become Registered Planners in China by taking an examination. Graduates of the programme specializing in Transport Planning are also eligible to become a Chartered Member (CMILT) of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport International (CILT) .
Master of Urban Design
Master of Urban Design is an accredited specialism programme recognized by the Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI).
Master of Housing Management
The Professional Stream is recognized by the Chartered Institute of Housing and the Hong Kong Institute of Housing. Graduates of this stream are eligible to apply for Corporate Membership of both Institutes after fulfilling the Practical Experience Requirement (PER).
Master of Landscape Architecture
It is professionally accredited by the Hong Kong Institute of Landscape Architects (HKILA). The HKILA has reciprocal membership rights with the Australian Institute of Landscape Architects (AILA) and the New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architects (NZILA).
Master of Science in Conservation
It is an internationally recognized programme for training professionals in conservation through its active research and educational collaborations with universities, government agencies, and intergovernmental organizations that set international standards in conservation best practice, such as UNESCO, ICOMOS and ICCROM.
Master of Science in Real Estate
Majors in General Practice Surveying (GPS) and Quantity Surveying (QS) has obtained accreditation of the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (HKIS) which leads to professional qualifications in the GPS and QS Divisions of the HKIS, respectively.
Master of Arts in Transport Policy and Planning
It is accredited by the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport and an accredited specialism programme of the Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI).
Career Prospects
Students who have successfully completed the degree of BA(UrbanStud) can become professional surveyors in planning and development of HKIS and RICS. They can also become professional urban planners if they continue with the Master of Science in Urban Planning programme, the only programme in Hong Kong recognized by HKIP and RTPI. In addition to obtaining a multi-disciplinary educational foundation for success in any field, graduates are also well prepared and eligible for the post-graduate professional programmes in urban planning, urban design, housing management, landscape architecture, conservation, real estate, and transport policy and planning offered by the University of Hong Kong and other universities abroad if they choose to pursue a related professional career. Like similar urban studies programmes at highly-ranked universities in the United States and United Kingdom, graduates can further pursue MPhil and PhD studies and also work in the private and public sectors related to urban planning and design, land development, urban management, housing management, transport, urban renewal, conservation, and public policy. Undergraduate education in urban studies does not only limit graduates to work in a discipline of the built environment. The analytical and design skills developed in the programme will prepare students for a successful career in almost any field. The multi-disciplinary characteristics of the programme and the multi-dimension nature of urban issues will produce graduates who can approach problems from multiple perspectives.
Further career information can be obtained from the websites of the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors, Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, Hong Kong Institute of Planners, Hong Kong Institute of Architects, Hong Kong Institute of Landscape Architects, Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in Hong Kong, Hong Kong Institute of Housing, and Chartered Institute of Housing Asia Pacific Branch.
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