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for further information on retail gentrification:)




Bridge, G., Dowling, R. (2001). Microgeographies of Retailing and
GentriŽfication, Australian Geographer, 32 (1), pp. 93–107

Census and Statistics Department. (6 July 2012). 2011 Population Census- Fact Sheet for Tsuen Wan District Council District., Hong Kong

Gonzalez, S., Waley, P. (2013). Traditional Retail Markets:
The New Gentrification Frontier? Antipode, 45 (4), pp 965–983

Freeman, L. (2012). Gentrification and well-being. Columbia University, New York, NY, Elsevier Ltd

Land, M van der., Curley, A., Eijk, G van. (2012). Gentrification and Neighbourhood Change. Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, Elsevier Ltd

Lees, L., Slater ,T., Wyly, E. (2008). Gentrification. New York: Taylor and Francis Group.

On cc. (8 June, 2014). Pharmacies catering mainlanders force local small shops away (迎內地客荃灣頻開新藥房 團體批趕絕本土小店).

Sing Tao Daily. (22-28 February, 2013). The Reopen of Hau Tei Square (鱟地坊重開荃灣市集平靚正). Issue 358.

The Sun.(9 October, 2012). Large ship subdivided into small for good price. (樓市出更:荃灣巨舖劏售博好價)T

The Sun. (24 September, 2012). Rapid rent increase in old streets.(樓市出更:老街變潮租金「食」住上).

WenWeipo.(10 September, 2010). Recent transactions of shops in Tsuen Wan District. (近期荃灣區舖位成交個案).


Other Useful Resources

Tsuen Wan District Council

Tsuen Wan Kwai Tsing Cultural and Arts Fun Feast in Towns : Hulu Culture

Tsuen Wan Town Centre Project

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