【Industry】Real Estate /Investment
【Referrence】Guilin economic and social Statistics Yearbook 2004(From www.chinainfobank.com)

【Item】Real estate development and investment statistics in Guilin(2003) (7864 words)

【Indicators】    Real estate development and investment statistics in Guilin(2003)    Unit:10,000yuan
Item                                                        Total    City    yangshuo  lingui  lingchuan  quanzhou  yongfu  guanyan  ziyuan  pingle  lipu           
Total Sets of Residential Housing Completed(Sets)           8334     5012    38        1931    1259       65                29
 Sets of Villas and Senior Flats                            256      136               120
 Sets of Economical Houses                                  175                                175
Completed Acreages of Houses(sq.m)                          10815    1844                      8971
Completed Acreages of House(sq.m)                           8041     8041
Completed Acreages of Houses(sq.m)                          210                                           210
Number of Employed Persons (Year-End) (persons)             4874     3230     74       456     172        141        603     7       9       20      162
Reward of Employed Persons (Year-End)                       4904     3876     49       447     155        113        105     8       8       13      130
 Total Paid-up capital                                      157646   125804   600      6403    9138       6789       900     100     400     206     7306
 State Capital                                              2036     446                       1590
Total Liabilities (Year-End)
 Total assets                                               782563   656527   3908     68980   18395       9570      1807    150     1522    1801    19903
 Total Depreciation                                         8742     7445     38       97      156         870       6       53              55      22
  depreciation in this year                                 1346     1052     5        58      48          163       1       8               7       4
 Total liabilities                                          618064   530511   3833     49763   10967       4356      1644    123     1179    1480    14208
 Creditors Equity                                           164499   126016   75       19217   7428        5214      163     27      343     321     5695
Cost and Reward
 Total Revenue                                              182743   130864   70       30231   9780        1244       1591    109             225     8629
  Land Transferred                                          3137     2409     50       276     190                    16      50              146
  Commercial Houses Sold                                    155042   116726   20       29954   7846        452                44
   To Individuals                                           151314   113140   20       29954   7704        452                44
   Total Sales of Commerical Houses                         128494   97334    20       23877   6778        452                33
    To Individuals                                          125275   94115    20       23877   6778        452                33
  Houses Leased                                             360      335               1       23                             1
  Other                                                     24204    11394                     1721        792        1575    14              79      8629
 Operating costs                                            148748   103233   38       25646   8769        850        1238    79              156     8739
 Cost of sales                                              4507     3440              812     125         18         15      1               7       89
 Managing, Tax, and the Additional                          10221    7723     4        1740    378         16         174     3               29      154
 Other Profit                                               690      577                       44                     1                       6       62
 Management Expense and Accounting Expense                  17942    14943    111      1648    416         131        172     24      57      21      419
 Investment Income and Total Non-Operating Income           1547     1347              7                              190                     3
 Total Non-Operating Income                                 831      802               18      10                                      1
 Total Profit                                               2731     2647     -83      374     126         229        183      2       -57     20      -710
 Tax Relief for Economical House                            80       80
Floor Space of Constructing Buildings(sq.m)                 405137   253660   11799    617606  555753      72988      59338    3283                    193998
 Housing                                                    318283   191076   5400     510956  514169      48005      51438    2485                    139620
  Villas and Top Grade Apartments                           155771   65642             90129
  Economical House                                          113991   46248                     62743       5000
 Office Buildings                                           77382    74090                     3292
 Buildings for Commercial or Buiness Purposes               668358   438477   6084     104390  33408       24983      7900      570                     52546
 Others                                                     122797   113278   315      2260    4884                   228                               1832
Floor Space of New Construction Projects This Year(sq.m)    226026   123364   6084     400201  319686      72988      59338    3283                     165038
 Housing                                                    188147   972974            354703  312245      48005       51438   2485                     139620
  Villas and Top Grade Apartments                           61127    15368             45759
  Economical House                                          65299    40348                     19951       5000
 Office Buildings                                           10341    10341
 Buildings for Commercial or Buiness Purposes               333299   218501   6084     45337   6338        24983       7900      570                     23586
 Others                                                     35152    31828             161     1103                              228                     1832
Floor Space of the Housing Completed (sq.m)                 122643   785296   5715     249774  172769      9600                  3283
 Housing                                                    944336   572785   5400     214373  140558      8735                  2485
  Villas and Top Grade Apartments                           65360    29360             36000
  Economical House                                          27293                              27293
 Office Buildings                                           39842    36550                     3292
 Buildings for Commercial or Buiness Purposes               185202   123206            35401   25160        865                   570
 Others                                                     57057    52755    315              3759                               228
Value of the Completed Housing (10,000yuan)                 83288    58110    314      16138   8110         489                   127
 Housing                                                    61867    41094    297      14034   5917         435                    90
  Villas and Top Grade Apartments                           5076     1908              3168
  Economical House                                          1162                               1162
 Office Buildings                                           3138     2908                      230
 Buildings for Commercial or Buiness Purposes               14051    10078             2104    1786           54                   29
 Others                                                     4232     4030     17               177                                  8
Actual Floor Space Sold(sq.m)                               1051678  677513   1699     221905  139822        9600                  1139
 Rent                                                       186      186
 Housing                                                    871672   541367   1699     191763  127197          8735                 911
  Villas and Top Grade Apartments                           44217    29360             14857
  Economical House                                          18442    1020                      17422
 Office Buildings                                           38268    38268
 Buildings for Commercial or Buiness Purposes               132938   90409             30142   11522           865
 Others                                                     8800     7469                      1103                    228
Floor Space of Commercial Houses for Sales(sq.m)            650455   290951            219899  72040           6000    38697                             22868
 Housing                                                    624810   279182            209168  70878           5000    38255                             22327
  Villas and Top Grade Apartments                           42225    3710              38515
  Economical House                                          28436                              23436           5000
 Office Buildings                                           220      220
 Buildings for Commercial or Buiness Purposes               24193    10858             10731   1162            1000      442
 Others                                                     1232     691                                                                                  541
Floor Space of Commercial Houses for Rent(sq.m)             70754    56530             618     13062                     544
 Housing                                                    2628     1636              618                               374
  Villas and Top Grade Apartments
  Economical House
 Office Buildings                                           7392     7392
 Buildings for Commercial or Buiness Purposes               43896    33320                      10406                    170
 Others                                                     16838    14182                       2656
Floor Space of Commercial Houses Empty (sq.m)               253713   206466  3200      30065    12382                    1600
 Housing                                                    132659   93878   3200      25799     8582                    1200
  Villas and Top Grade Apartments                           20143                      20143
  Economical House                                          892      892
 Office Buildings                                           20401    20401
 Buildings for Commercial or Buiness Purposes               70349    61883             4266       3800                    400
 Others                                                     30304    30304
Total Sales of Commercial Houses(10,000yuan)                24109    179521  188     28277       15095     964             64
Rent                                                        40       40
 Housing                                                    146338   110691  188     21811       12943     652             53
  Villas and Top Grade Apartments                           11180    7780            3400
  Economical House                                          2054     158                         1896
 Office Buildings                                           11970    11970
 Buildings for Commercial or Business Purposes               64453    55588           6466        2087     312
 Others                                                     1348     1272                         65                        11


【Industry】Real Estate /Investment
【Referrence】Guilin economic and social Statistical Yearbook 2004(From www.chinainfobank.com)
【Item】Real estate development and investment statistics in Guilin(2003) (3598words)
【Indicators】    Real estate development and investment statistics in Guilin(2003)     Unit:10,000yuan
Item                                               Total    City    Yangshuo Lingui Lingchuan Quanzhou Yongfu Guanyan Ziyuan Pingle Lipu
Total Planning Investment                          1118854  880316  22100   107698  45110   12299   10800   300     7000    5000    28231
Investment Completed in This Year                  262400   162623  5452    38174   22696   7955    6238    30      1180    347     17705
 Commercial Building Construction Investment       236237   151631  5452    34238   16729   6295    5110            1150            15632
 Land Development Investment                       12798    7802            630     2034    360     1119    5       30      347     471
By component:
 Constructing Projects                             189918   122087  1892    32767   13980   3658    3216                            12318
 Installation Projects                             1888     709             569     43      377     50                              140
 Purchase of Equipment and Instruments             2496     1054            432                     250                             760
  Purchase of old Equipment and Instruments                 8        8
 Others                                            68098    38773   3560    4406    8673    3920    2722    30      1180    347     4487
  Purchase of old Construction                     2289     1619    250     200             220
  Purchase of Land                                 44677    22258   3310    2867    6448    2950    1603    25      1150            4066
By Use of Projects:
 Residential Buildings                             144286   89965   540     28656   12660   2126    3222    10                      7107
   Villas and Senior Flats                         13122    3751            9371
  Economical Houses                                5050     3281                    1739    30
 Office Buildings                                  5674     5469                    205
 Commercial Buildings                              42652    25540   1592    4002    2408    3455    290     5                       5360
 Others                                            69788    41649   3320    5516    7423    2374    2726    15      1180    347     5238
New Increased Fixed Assets in this year            120727   86207   600     21142   8788    513     3350    127
Land Space Developed in this year(sq.m)            884772   314398          213061  167253  34711   51660   2500    6000    510     94679
Land Space Undeveloped(sq.m)                       1765205  901632          470718  292506  18210   6600            42774   30000   2765
Land Space Purchased in this year(sq.m)            1216148  407882  69300   98140   362892  52921   58260   2500    48774           115479
Land transactions in th                            45098    22017   3310    3178    6568    3040    1659    50      1150            4126
Source of Total Funds?                             398816   285442  5452    45411   26824   9521    6341    200     1180    740     17705
Surplus Fund from the Year-end of Preceding Year   43570    38374           3748    1177                    11              260
Source of Sub-total Funds This Year                355246   247068  5452    41663   25647   9521    6341    189     1180    480     17705
State Budgetary Appropriation
  Domestic Loans                                   56318    46146   539     1168    1250    1230    550     30      750     255     4400
 Foreign Investment                                740      740
  Foreign Investment                               740      740
  Foreign Loans
   Lend and Borrow as a whole
 Fundraising                                      79178    50915   4282    7515    4521    3207    4910    105     430             3293
  Own capital                                     41416    27729   4282    4952    2161    1707    10      105     430             40
 Other Fund Resource                              219010   149267  631     32980   19876   5084    881     54              225     10012
  Fund-raising                                    2440     1370            402             620     48
  Deposits                                        192495   137509  631     31961   7556    4464    83      54              225     10012
Total Payment This Year                           26753    19134           6706    577     170     150     16
 Payment against Projects                         20877    15123           5418            170     150     16
 Payment against Equipment                        475      110             365