Guiyang Floor Space of Buildings Completed and sales statistics in 2003
Guiyang commodity housing sales and rental of real estate statistics in 2003
statistics of the use in real estate development in 2003
Statistics of Real Estate Development and Management of Guiyang in 2003

【Industry】Construction /Real Estate
【Referrence】Guiyang Statistical Yearbook 2004(From:China Statistical Information Database)
【Item】Guiyang Floor Space of Buildings Completed and sales statistics in 2003(920 letters)
【Indicator】  Guiyang Floor Space of Buildings Completed and sales statistics in 2003
Index                                      2003     2002     Growth Rate in 2003
                                                             over 2002
Floor Space of Buildings Completed(sq.m)   2802742  2381745  17.7
 Residential Buildings                     2162805  1956190  10.6
 Office Buildings                          121868   96376    26.5
 Buildings for Business Use                357666   251760   42.1
Floor Space of Buildings
 Actually Sold (sq.m)                      2341773  2045071  14.5
 Residential Buildings                     2180238  1878553  16.1
 Office Buildings                          61729    23905    158.2
 Buildings for Business Use                95645    130843   -26.9
Contracted Value of Buildings
 Actually Sold (10000 yuan)                450160   335953   34.0
 Residential Buildings                     371659   276299   34.5
 Office Buildings                          22503    12070    86.4
 Buildings for Business Use                53999    45334    19.1
Commercial housing vacancy(sq.m)           782498   445582   75.6
 Residential Buildings                     505151   242471   108.3
 Office Buildings                          35135    69122    -49.2
 Buildings for Business Use                196205   112799   73.9


【Industry】Construction /Real Estate/City Profile
【Referrence】Guiyang Statistical Yearbook 2004(From:China Statistical Information Database)
【Item】Guiyang commodity housing sales and rental of real estate statistics in 2003(968 letters)
【Indicator】    Guiyang commodity housing sales and rental of real estate statistics in 2003
For short: Total Floor Space(TFS)    Residential Buildings(RB)   Office Buildings(OB)    Buildings for Commercial Use(BCU)       Affordable Housing(AF)
index           unit    Floor Space     #Sold to     Contracted Value   #Sold to     Floor Space of     Lease   #Lease       Vacancy   #Vacancy
                        of Buildings     individual   of Buildings       Individual  Buildings Presold  area     Individual  Floor     Above 1
                        Actually Sold                 Actually Sold                                                          Space     Year
TFS             (sq.m)  2341773          2153996      450160             390819       1402168           180277    72192      782498    221030
 Export         (sq.m)
RB              (sq.m)  2180238          2068598      371659             357215        131254           49475     9333       505151    111115
 Villadom       (sq.m)  32527            27979        8764               6945          26744                                 16032
 AF             (sq.m)  268952           213154       31475              25001         241631                                135662    6407
OB              (sq.m)  61729            17030        22503              4765          36689            18143     427        35435     16480
BCU             (sq.m)  95645            66057        53999              27276         59198            85783     59615      196205    72680
Others          (sq.m)  15874            13199        2494               1981          7985             26876     2817       45677     20755


【Industry】Construction /Real Estate
【Referrence】Guiyang Statistical Yearbook 2004(From:China Statistical Information Database)
【Item】statistics of the use in real estate development in 2003(2161 letters)
【Indicator】     statistics of the use in real estate development in 2003
For short: Domestic Funded Enterprises(DFE)  State-owned Enterprises(SE)  Collective-owned Enterprises(CE) 
           Central Government(CenG)  Provincial Government(PG)  Municipal Government(MG)  County Government(ConG)  Town Government(TG)
Index                                  Uint           Total   Registration Status   Administrative Relationship
                                                              DEF     #SE    #CE    CenG   PG     MG     ConG   TG     Others
一.Real Estate Development
by Source of Funds this Year           10000 yuan     995757  884373  62657  29974  54677  67800  43859  19101  11099  799221
1.Balance of funds at
the end of previous year               10000 yuan     160470  127709  17365  4559   7237   7704   8380   3868   673    132608
2.Total sources of funds this year     10000 yuan     835287  756664  45292  25415  47440  60096  35479  15233  10426  666613
Domestic Loans                            10000 yuan     155157  139472  9610          21200  16160  6484   3945   721    106647
Foreign Investment                          10000 yuan     7414    520                                                      7414
 Foreign Direct Investment             10000 yuan     6994    520                                                      6994
Fund-raising                               10000 yuan     272589  249490  13611  11003  6778   25953  4691   5459   5095   224613
 Own funds                             10000 yuan     156951  152270  9504   8476   4678   20923  1768   4478   4200   120904
Others                                   10000 yuan     400127  367182  22071  12126  19462  17983  24304  5829   4610   327939
 raise funds                           10000 yuan     22697   10945          7      706    7             156           21828
 Earnest and Pre-Collection            10000 yuan     271076  256375  13002  5099   16233  11168  20399  4436   3650   215190
二.All together this year payment      10000 yuan     179954  156746  13922  3487   15807  3558   10104  5134   1296   144055
Work Funds                             10000 yuan     89257   85529   9868   1745   9091   2130   6346   2747   837    68106
Equipment Funds                        10000 yuan     11194   11187   10     100    4857   143    13     260    10     5911
The Number of Residential
 Complete                     set            19695   18477   1324   463    2462   221    1265   941    106    14700
 The Number of Villadom                set            475     475                   49
 The Number of reside project          set            3367    3367    777    56     843    50     306    271    56     1841
 Housing construction has completed
 the demolition area                   sq.m           64892   58028   5445   1664   662    1664   22117                40449
Behalf of the unification
be completed housing area              sq.m           69790   69790   1698   4550   10400  1698                 4550   53142
Employed Persons at the Year-end       person         15784   14554   1993   665    417    1325   791    486    228    12537
Wages of Employed Persons
in the Whole Year                      person         17048   15331   2385   650    529    1457   1096   492    203    13271


【Industry】Construction /Real Estate
【Referrence】Guiyang Statistics Yearbook 2004(From:China Statistical Information Database)
【Item】Statistics of Real Estate Development and Management of Guiyang in 2003(3099 letters)
【Indicator】    Statistics of Real Estate Development and Management of Guiyang in 2003
For short: Domestic Funded Enterprises (DFE) State-owned Enterprises (SE) Collective-owned Enterprises (CE)
           Central Government( CenG) Provincial Government (PG) Municipal Government (MG) County Government (ConG) Town Government (TG)
Index                        Uint        Total    Registration Status     Administrative Relationship
                                                  DFE      #SE     #CE    CenG
1.Total paid-up capital     10000 yuan  567960   475820   34317   16831  14448
State Capital                10000 yuan  33116    33016                   1986
2.Liabilities for the
end of capital               10000 yuan
Total  Assets                    10000 yuan  2320168  1951679  312568  86295  76082
Accumulated depreciation
of fixed assets              10000 yuan  43777    34780    4072    1283   3.4
 This year depreciation      10000 yuan  15453    14606    838     310    134
Total liabilities            10000 yuan  1767348  1497621  294304  69769  66384
Creditors' Equity                   10000 yuan  552820   454058   18264   16526  9698
3.Total Revenue                10000 yuan  420053   367228   43345   17120  36564
3.1.(1)glebe transfer income   10000 yuan  6284     5506             233
(2)Merchandise sales
   income housing            10000 yuan  368740   321535   31470   16667  27497
Sold to individual           10000 yuan  33298    -12164   28300   13360  26095
Residential sales value      10000 yuan  305379   273747   28576   10771  25199
Sold to Individual           10000 yuan  293564   263305   26854   10771  25097
(3)Rental income             10000 yuan  9248     8677     4819    38     249
(4)Others                    10000 yuan  35781    31510    7056    182    8818
3.2.(1)Operating Cost               10000 yuan  360390   320224   38141   14249  31598
(2)Cost of sales             10000 yuan  13923    12199    464     798    247
(3)Business Taxes and Extra Charges      10000 yuan  23035    20249    1727    1284   1271
(4)Other business profits    10000 yuan  2157     1965     353     39     100
(5)Management fees and
   finance charges           10000 yuan  188309   44419    5775    1321   2860
(6)Investment income and
   foreign business income   10000 yuan  1061     1360     289     38     171
(7)Foreign business expenses 10000 yuan  5686     5349     313     301    85
3.3.Total Profits                  10000 yuan  -168072  -31887   -2433   -756   774
Index                              Unit         Administrative Relationship
                                               PG      MG      ConG   TG     Others
1.Total paid-up capital           10000 yuan  25433   12912   9103   3034   503030
State Capital                      10000 yuan  3338    2334    57            25401
2.Liabilities for
   the end of capital              10000 yuan
Total  Assets                          10000 yuan  121868  196270  55434  18843  1851671
Liabilities for the end of capital 10000 yuan  2254    1176    2117   269    37657
 This year depreciation            10000 yuan  663     294     161    158    14043
Total liabilities                  10000 yuan  92216   198098  46434  17442  1346774
Creditors' Equity                         10000 yuan  29652   -1828   9000   1401    504897
3.Total Revenue                       10000 yuan  25913   13718   10116  3263   330479
3.1.(1)glebe transfer income       10000 yuan                         233    6051
    (2)Merchandise sales
   income housing                  10000 yuan  18537   12496   7366   2932   299912
Sold to Individual                 10000 yuan  13293   12466   7268   2920   271256
Residential sales value            10000 yuan  10662   11733   7109   345    250331
 Sold to Individual                10000 yuan  9313    11733   7109   345    239967
(3)Rental income                   10000 yuan  4358    224     55     50     4312
(4)Others                          10000 yuan  3018    998     2695   48     20204
3.2.(1)Operating Cost                  10000 yuan  21565   11738   9451   2892   283146
(2)Cost of sales                   10000 yuan  845     437     114    161    12119
(3)Business Taxes and Extra Charges            10000 yuan  1086    945     636    306    18791
(4)Other business profits          10000 yuan  235     64      21     -53    1790
(5)Management fees and
   finance charges                 10000 yuan  2789    2173    1423   423    178641
(6)Investment income and
foreign business income            10000 yuan  80      201     6      57     546
(7)Foreign business expenses       10000 yuan  119     135     48            5299
3.3.Total Profits                      10000 yuan  -176    -1445   -1529  -515   -165181