Review of real estate market in Nanning City in 2005

Source: Naning Evening Newspaper

1. The trade on real estate was kept in the state that the price descended and the amount ascended.

From the first quarter to the third quarter in 2005, the total investment on real estate development reached 6.897 billion yuan, up 61.17% compared with the same period of last year. The areas of commodity estate which were under construction reached 1.1547 million square meters, up 36.92% compared with the same period of last year. The sales became steady and the price went down placidly. Some analyst   believed that the micro-control executed by the central government this year had preliminary effect. Although the fourth quarter report hasn’t been come out, according to the forecast of the “dumbbell” tendency, the trend of real estate market of the fourth quarter in Nanning would be better in the future.


2. Gurgitation existed during the first half of the year and increase happened during the second half

 From the first quarter to the third quarter, the total bargain areas of the current and future houses sales reached 27.805 square meters. Among them, the bargain areas in third quarter reached 10.192 square meters, almost 60% of the total bargain areas of the first half of the year. It indicates that the total bargain areas of the   commodity estate will increase at a higher speed, showing good development tendency.


3. The amount of dwelling houses increased and the sale of commercial real estate declined

 The investment on the houses is both the main direction of investment in Nanning’s real estate market and the main body of market purchase. From the first quarter to the third quarter in this year, areas of commodity housing which were under construction reached 87.327 billion square meters which was 75.63% of the total areas of commodity housing which were under construction, up 34.72% compared with the same period of last year. The increase of the housing supply effectively facilitated the expansion of the sales of houses. During the first three quarters, the accumulated areas of housing sales reached 26.358 square meters which was 94.8% of the total sales.

However, the floor area of office and commercial houses sold occupied 0.87% and 3.26% respectively. The monthly sale of these two categories from April to August declined continuously.

This year the construction of affordable houses were strengthened. The total floor area under construction reached 501 thousand square meters. The affordable houses have become the main source for solving the housing problem of low income households and repressing the price of commercial houses.


4. The macro control was effective and the price of commercial houses declined a lot.

 According to the analysis, in 2004 because of the moderate finance and credit policy and the strict tax management policy, the radical going up of the house price lost its policy support. In this year, due to the fulfilling of the measures such as the increasing control on the land supply, further optimizing market supply structure, constraining the attorn of future houses, actualizing the online record registration of deal contract of the commodity estate and expanding the beneficial scale of the low rent house, the house purchase mentality of residents was stabilized to a certain extent.