Full text:
【Industry】General Survey
【Date】    20021231
【Reference】Macau Statistic Year Book 2003 (www.chinainfobank.com)
【Item】Main statistic indices of Macau during several years(2000-2004)
Item Unit 2000    2001    2002    2003    2004
1.Population and life statistic information    
The estimate of population in the middle of year 10000 person 43.1    43.4    43.9    44.5    45.7
Birth rate 8.9     7.5     7.2     7.2     7.2
Death rate 3.1     3.1     3.2     3.3     3.4
2.Labour and employment    
Labour force 10000 person 20.9    21.7    21.4    21.6    22.9
Participation rate of labour force % 64.3    64.8    62.3    60.9    61.9
Unemployment rate % 6.8     6.4     6.3     6.0     4.8
Lacking rate of umemployment % 3.0     3.6     3.4     2.7     1.9
Employment 10000 person 19.5    20.3    20.1    20.3    21.8
  Manufacturing   3.8     4.4     4.1     3.7     3.6
  Wholesale and retail   3.0     3.0     3.1     3.3     3.5
  Hotel and dining   2.1     2.2     2.3     2.2     2.4
  Public administration, social and individual service   5.6     5.6     5.9     6.0     6.9
3.External trade    
Export 100 million Macau Dollar 204     185     189     207     226
  Export of local product 100 million Macau Dollar 171     151     148     163     173
  Reexport 100 million Macau Dollar 33      33      42      44      52
Import 100 million Macau Dollar 181     192     203     221     279
Terms of trade(year 1996=100)   100.7   100.0   99.7    100.9   99.0
Wastage of electricity 100 million kw.h 1.6     1.5     1.9     2.0     2.1
5.Construction(private buildings)    
Newly constructed and expanded units in private buildings unit 3146    2622    381     1566    1108
Newly constructed and expanded floor area in private buildings 10000 sq.m 37      40      10      24      22
Newly built units in private buildigns unit 1167    812     1326    2658    2757
Newly built floor area in private buildigns 10000 sq.m 20      16      16      53      72
Dwelling units sold unit 10211   27016   16831   18556   27823
number of trade bargain of real estate unit 12484   12992   17513   14400   18623
Number of loan of real estate unit 7367    8206    9902    9198    13786
6.Transportation, communication and tourism    
Number of freight trucks passing in and out  10000 time 45.4*   45.8*   47.8*   47.8*   56.6*
Number of passenger ships passing in and out 10000 time 7.5     7.4     7.7     7.7     8.6
Number of commercial flights passing in and out of international airport 10000 time 2.4     2.9     3.4     2.9     3.8
Registered vehicle 10000 unit 11.4    11.6    12.4    13.2    14.3
Telephone line 10000 unit 31.8    37.1    45.2    53.9    60.6
Visitors of Macau 10000 person 916     1028    1153    1189    1667
Accommodation ration of hotel % 58      61      67      64      76
7.Financial income, currency and finance 100 million Macau Dollar  
Financial income   153     156     152     184r    196p
Financial expenditure   150     152     135     157r    134p
Financial supply(broad sense of currency supplyM2)    
  Macau currency   232     261     275     297r    314
  HK dollar   445     469     512     594     662
  other currency   172     185     202     220     234
  total   849     916     990     1111    1210
  Local organizaions' and private loan and advanced money   382     355     336     331     356
8.Consumer price indices of residence(From 1999.10 to 2000.9=100)    
Integrated consumer price indices   99.5    97.5    94.9    93.5    94.4
First level of consumer price indices   99.6    98.2    95.9    94.6    95.7
Second level of consumer price indices   99.4    97.4    94.6    93.1    94.0
Public house unit 9084    9405    9656    7037    6829
Students before primary person 14978   13638   12737   11936
Primary student person 45474   43709   41535   39278
Middle school student person 38156   41132   43999   45600
Student from high education institutions person 8358    8520    11995   13680
11. Medial care and sanitation    
Registered death person 1338    1327    1415    1474    1533
  Death for heart attack person 326     291     296     329     302
  Death for cancer person 383     401     439     421     475
Death rate of infant   2.9     4.3     3.5     0.6     3.0
12. Social security    
Number of beneficiary person 122327  127703  138514  145677  164165
Number of working units supplying the money   8451    8919    9421    10078   11013
Total number of assistance 10000 time 16.3    17.7    23.6    30.4    28.3
Total amount of assistance 100 million Macau Dollar 20191   22132   34610   53003   45302
Crime case times 8925    8905    9088    9920    9786
Number of criminal person 847     886     928     913     867
14.local product value    
(according the fix price in 2002)    
  growth rate in name of local product value   5.7r    2.9r    10.1r   14.2r   28.0
  local product value   483.9r  497.8r  548.2r  625.8r  800.9
  per capial local product value   11.2r   11.5r   12.5r   14.1r   17.5
(according to the current price)    
  growth rate in name of local product value % 3.6r    1.5r    10.3r   16.0r   30.1
  local product value 100 million Macau Dollar 489.7r  497.0r  548.2r  635.6r  826.9
  per capial local product value 100 million Macau Dollar 11.4r   11.5r   12.5r   14.3r   18.1
①Information about the labor force and employment comes from the survey of occupation.
②The data of year 2004 can not compare with that of year 2003.
③According to the "basic law of Macau Special Administration Region of PRC, the Macau currency is the legal currency of Macau.
④The persons who have sold that is exclusive.
⑤The students receiving special education are exclusive. 
⑥The GDP data was edited in 2005.