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IndustryMacro-comprehensive species
Reference】Statistics Year book of Guangzhou 2004
Statistics Item Statistics of the main indices of national economy and society development in GZ (2000--2003)(4400words)
Item                                                                Unit        2000     2001     2002     2003
population and labor
population at the end of the year                            10000 person       700.69   712.60   720.62   725.19
practitioner in society at the end of the year               10000 person        503.69   510.07   514.08   521.07
the number of employees                                      10000 person       180.37   172.29   177.73   188.79
regional  total output value                                 100 million        2375.91  2685.76  3001.48  3496.88
primary sector/industry                                       100 million        94.37    97.28    103.07   105.63
secondary industry                                           100 million        1032.05  1125.06  1227.14  1508.12
tertiary industry                                            100 million        1249.49  1463.42  1671.27  1883.13
per capita regional output value                                   yuan         34292    38007    41884    48372
labor productivity of the society                             yuan/person       49572    52846    59233    67563
agriculture production
total output value of agriculture/forestry/pasture/fishery    100 million        163.05   167.05   175.06   180.67
main agricultural production value
commissariat                                                    10000 ton       88.11    75.13    65.16    54.52
sugarcane                                                      10000 ton        7.60     8.50     16.28    8.88
fruit                                                          10000 ton        32.97    34.93    47.37    45.52
peanut                                                         10000 ton        2.56     2.60     2.62     2.32
green stuff                                                    10000 ton        306.49   328.74   346.04   364.49
aquatic product                                                10000 ton        32.52    33.53    34.53    35.59
Industrial production
industrial output value                                        100 million     3100.02  3393.19  3788.91  4705.91
output of primary industrial product
automobile                                                     unit            38118    55601    97212    189048
motorcycle                                                   10000 unit        60.31    60.35    107.23   145.75
bicycle                                                      10000 unit        134.87   167.87   244.70   370.98
appliance refrigerator                                       10000 unit        58.14    45.75    75.40    126.61
television                                                   10000 unit        34.61    42.73    26.34    29.55
camera                                                       10000 unit        86.81    97.88    86.00    258.31
air-conditioner                                              10000 unit        103.43   105.24   148.60   221.95
prime cell                                                   10000 unit        188885   244062   298776   355501
dynamoelectric output                                  100 million kw.h        267.18   269.59   285.00   335.00
pig iron                                                     10000 ton         66.68    69.40    70.60    79.98
steel                                                        10000 ton        151.16   176.79   200.59   241.43
cement                                                       10000 ton        1262.04  1204.16  1404.00  1944.00
chemical fiber                                                     ton        38683    33906    30027    28763
investment on fixed assets
investment on fixed assets of the whole society        100 million yuan        923.67   978.21   1009.24  1175.17
houses                                                100 million yuan        325.03   331.69   345.76   352.22
total amount of the consuming retail commodity        100 million yuan        1121.13  1248.28  1370.68  1494.27
transportation/ post and telecommunications
freight turnover                                               10000 ton       24585    24914    25434    29296
rail                                                          10000 ton        2018     2051     1658     4852
road                                                          10000 ton        12549    13286    14122    14693
river                                                         10000 ton        9569     9143     9201     9292
air                                                           10000 ton        20       19       24       22
passengers turnover                                   10000 person/times      23430    24451    26757    29751
rail                                                  10000 person/times      2818     2708     2797     5285
road                                                  10000 person/times      19964    21057    23157    23839
river                                                 10000 person/times      190      149      172      137
air                                                   10000 person/times      458      537      631      490
freight turnover in ports                                      10000 ton        12455    13539    16772    19200
income of postal and telecommunications service          100 million yuan     138.48   151.53   175.14   185.13
foreign economy, foreign trade, tourism

imports                                              100 million dollar       115.60   114.13   141.49   180.52
exports                                               100 million dollar     117.91   116.23   137.79   168.89
actual used foreign capital                           100 million dollar      31.15    33.27    26.53    30.64
normal budgetary financial income                     100 million yuan        200.55   246.19   245.87   274.77
normal budgetary financial expenditure                100 million yuan        240.72   292.63   326.67   370.09
Index Number of Price
Index Number of Prices of citizen's consumption                     %           102.80   98.90    97.60    100.10
people's life
average year-wage of the employee                                   yuan        19091    22141    25583    28237
average governable income of the citizen in town                    yuan        13967    14694    13380    15003
average net yearly income of peasants                               yuan        6086     6446     6857     6130
education and culture
the quantity of general colleges                                   unit         31       37       39       44
the quantity of the students in colleges                        10000 person   18.51    24.47    29.90    37.47
the quantity of secondary schools                               unit           617      621      612      602
the quantity of the students in secondary schools               10000 person   63.89    66.96    70.03    74.92
the quantity of primary schools                                 unit           1626     1604     1566     1533
the quantity of the pupils                                    10000 person     75.70    78.86    81.66    84.75
the quantity of sickbeds in hospital                          10000 unit      3.37     3.46     3.51     3.41
doctors                                                     10000 person      2.35     2.39     2.22     2.35
    Note:1.The Disposable Income of Urban Household was calculated with new methods from 2002