【Industry】General Survey |
【Location】 Nanning |
【Date】 2004-12-31 |
【Referrence】Nanning Statistics Year Book 2005(Source:China Statistics Database) |
【Item】Main Years in Nanning Major Statistical
Indicators of Economic and Social Development Structure (1985--2004)(8314
Words) |
【Indicators】Year in Nanning major statistical indicators of economic and social development structure
(1985-2004) Units:% |
1985 1990 1995 2000 2001 2002 2003
1.Population and employment
Agriculture and Non-agriculture Structure
Agriculture 69.35 66.23 62.12 59.14 58.48 58.32 73.82 73.52
Non-agriculture 30.65 33.77 37.88 40.86 41.52 41.68 26.18 26.48
Sex Structure
Male 51.94 52.14 52.33 52.04 52.02 51.97 52.17 52.30
Female 48.06 47.86 47.67 47.96 47.98 48.03 47.83 47.70
Industrial Workers Structure
Primary Industry 62.88 57.96 49.60 49.62 48.67 50.08 60.29
Secondary Industry 18.19 18.45 20.83 16.10 16.12 15.11 12.77
Tertiary Industry 18.94 23.59 29.58 34.28 35.21 34.81 26.94
2.National Accounts
1.GDP structure
Primary Industry 24.27 22.68 17.12 16.52 15.25 14.37 19.03 17.45
Secondary Industry 43.01 40.59 38.22 30.28 28.77 28.80 29.54 31.41
Tertiary Industry 32.72 36.73 44.66 53.2 55.99 56.83 51.43 51.14
2.GDP expenditure structure
Final Consumption Expenditure 56.77 56.37 56.90 57.50
Household Consumpution Expenditure 44.45 43.66 43.82 45.03
Government Consumption Expenditure 12.32 12.71 13.08 12.48
Gross Capital Formation 31.89 33.00 34.82 39.44
Gross Fixed Capital Formation 31.55 32.12 34.73 37.04
Changes in Inventory 0.34 0.88 0.09 2.40
Net Export 11.34 10.63 8.28 3.06
Agriculture, animal husbandry, and fisheries output structure
Farming 68.15 69.61 68.24 65.76 65.57 66.56 61.63 57.69
Forestry 2.29 1.58 1.41 1.86 1.97 2.03 2.91 2.80
Animal Husbandry 26.90 24.81 24.76 26.62 27.25 26.36 28.41 32.19
Fishery 2.65 3.99 5.59 5.76 5.21 5.05 5.89 6.19
Services 1.16 1.13
1.Industry types of economic structure
State-owned 82.53 82.59 60.07 19.83 16.18 14.06 17.96 20.54
Collective-owned 14.43 10.92 15.13 14.82 13.70 9.81 5.86 3.87
Other 3.04 6.49 24.80 65.35 70.12 76.13 76.18 75.59
Private-funded Enterprises 1.24 7.19 25.30 28.43 30.39 38.31
"Funded" economic
2.77 9.27 11.82 10.57 11.60 9.46 13.44
Beyond Industrial scale
63.74 64.40 67.60 69.02 72.24
Below Industrial scale
33.30 32.24 28.84 26.44 27.76
2.The severity of the industrial structure
Light Industry 69.13 69.64 58.29 57.94 57.12 54.23 55.26 56.36
Heavy Industry 30.87 30.36 41.71 42.06 42.88 45.77 44.74 43.64
3.Scale structure
Large 2.00 3.37 1.43 2.91 3.26 3.49 7.22 9.27
Medium 1.72 3.50 3.98 3.17 3.26 3.49 31.49 41.58
Small 96.28 93.13 94.59 93.92 93.48 93.03 61.29 49.15
Investment types of economic structure
State -owned 82.14 76.74 50.50 49.60 57.48 61.29 57.68 55.03
Collective-owned 4.45 3.38 12.47 5.28 1.70 0.75 0.67 0.54
Individual 13.41 19.88 12.89 17.89 13.34 12.12 6.07 14.02
Others 24.14 27.23 27.48 25.84 35.58 30.41
Investment-type structure
Capital Construction 51.44 34.87 34.39 45.96 47.95 51.55 50.95 50.73
Innovation 29.33 33.43 18.32 14.43 15.42 15.71 25.41 16.30
Others 5.45 2.67 1.48 6.71 5.82 2.73 2.97 2.74
Real EstateDevelopment 8.13 22.48 16.41 18.24 19.19 20.74 26.75
Cargo structure
Railway 11.18 14.44 8.08 5.59 5.52 5.78 6.68 6.80
Highway 78.58 79.82 84.29 90.61 90.03 89.54 84.68 82.70
Sea 10.24 5.74 7.63 3.77 4.42 4.65 8.62 10.48
Air 0.01 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.02
Passenger Structure
6.42 7.47 8.87 7.01 7.08 7.06 6.02 5.63
Highway 91.96 91.66 89.92 91.86 91.64 91.58 91.11 91.79
Sea 1.61 0.87 0.44 0.37 0.42 0.43 2.00 1.61
Air 0.08 0.77 0.76 0.85 0.94 0.87 0.97
7.Domestic Trade
The total retail sales of consumer goods types of economic structure
State -owned 44.95 42.55 32.12 19.43 17.78 15.53 12.46 9.07
Collective -owned 36.7 22.58 13.87 12.51 11.58 10.86 6.89 5.73
Private.Individual 7.85 20.32 28.48 37.58 38.74 39.51 45.54 56.51
Funded by Hongkong, Macao & Taiwan and Foreign Countries
5.04 0.65 0.78 0.80 1.30 1.51
Others 10.5 14.56 20.48 29.83 31.12 33.30 33.90 27.18
Sector Structure
Wholesale and Retail Trade 76.22 68.95 64.99 62.35 59.33 59.31 67.97 84.77
Catering Trade 4.37 5.26 7.50 13.43 14.40 14.79 12.92 15.09
Manufacturing 7.32 6.81 5.60 3.06 3.12 2.69 2.94
Agricultural Producers
10.50 14.56 12.81 20.78 21.73 21.93 15.49
Others 1.59 4.42 9.10 0.38 1.42 1.27 0.68 0.14
Industrial and Commercial Taxes 69.68 87.95 67.13 75.97 73.44 78.52 66.59 73.16
Enterprise Income Tax 26.37 17.11 11.48 8.95 14.19 5.47 3.56 4.16
Personal Income Tax 0.01 2.24 8.30 13.20 7.46 6.12 6.96
4 Agricultural Taxes 1.92 3.13 9.91 6.97 4.37 5.69 10.67 8.26
Fund Budgetary Expenditures 13.23 2.71 4.99 14.43 13.69 11.61 8.64 10.22
Technical Updates and Transformation
9.17 3.07 9.61 5.27 4.94 3.83 4.25 4.30
New Products Promotion Funds 1.02 0.11 0.22 1.05 1.11 1.35 0.96 1.18
Fund Expenditure of Agricultural Department
2.92 5.49 3.61 3.12 2.54 2.61 3.00 4.60
Culture. Education. Health expenditure
29.57 22.46 26.92 24.00 20.92 19.52 23.71 22.61
Fund Expenditure of Social Security 2.79 3.18 4.21 3.14 2.73
The per capita consumption structure of urban life
Food 54.42 61.99 49.85 36.49 34.67 37.46 37.52 40.09
9.94 8.9 8.19 6.38 6.08 7.36 6.78 6.96
Residence 3.87 3.9 7.16 11.78 12.81 7.73 9.93 8.75
Transportation and Communications
0.83 1.18 7.52 9.55 9.42 14.96 12.43 10.18
Medicine and Medical Services 0.97 1.47 2.2 4.62 3.94 5.5 6.82 8.67
Rural per capita consumption structure
Food 55.99 54.21 56.29 57.88
Clothing 2.47 2.79 2.41 2.26
Resident 12.99 12.04 11.73 12.29
Transportation and Communications 5.02 6.09 6.92 7.56
Medicine and Medical Services 3.57 4.37 4.39 3.73
Students at school structure
Regular Institutions of Higher Education
4.29 4.06 4.84 8.27 9.64 12.83 8.43 10.61
Regular Secondary Schools 4.85 23.22 22.56 31.05 31.65 30.49 32.81 32.86
Primary Schools 67.74 63.16 59.15 45.42 43.17 40.49 48.46 46.23
Regular Institutions of Higher Education
15.28 14.38 15.40 14.22 13.87 18.79 12.93 13.74
Regular Secondary Schools 22.50 24.91 26.42 29.33 30.55 26.73 33.93 35.08
Primary Schools 50.12 43.75 40.03 38.06 39.20 33.36 43.46 42.29
Medical staff structure
Doctors 46.28 47.72 46.74 45.53 45.16 41.65 42.31 41.99
Senior Nurses and Junior Nurses 9.60 34.09 34.02 37.33 35.42 34.75
NOTE:2003 and 2004 data for the administrative division of Nanning large caliber adjusted data Nanning-caliber year for the rest of the original data. |