Publications by Asian Researchers
Publications by Asian Researchers in 2007
Publications by Asian Researchers in 2006
Computers and Geosciences
Volume |
Issue |
Paper title |
Author(s) |
32 |
10 |
Study of stress waves in geomedia and effect of a soil cover layer on wave attenuation using a 1-D finite-difference method |
Zhi-liang Wang Yong-chi Li and J.G. Wang |
32 |
10 |
Data reduction in scalar airborne gravimetry: Theory, software and case study in Taiwan |
Cheinway Hwang Yu-Shen Hsiao and Hsuan-Chang Shih |
32 |
10 |
An approach for spherical harmonic analysis of non-smooth data |
Hansheng Wang Patrick Wu and Zhiyong Wang |
32 |
10 |
A C++ program for retrieving land surface temperature from the data of Landsat TM/ETM+ band6 |
Jinqu Zhang, Yunpeng Wang and Yan Li |
32 |
10 |
VLFPROSA Matlab code for processing of VLF-EM data |
N. Sundararajan, V. Ramesh Babu, N. Shiva Prasad and Y. Srinivas |
32 |
9 |
Estimating coordinates of a 2D-point from multiple observations |
Wenbao Liu and Wanhong Yang |
32 |
8 |
Enhanced NURBS modeling and visualization for large 3D geoengineering applications: An example from the Jinping first-level hydropower engineering project, China |
Deng-Hua Zhong, Ming-Chao Li, Ling-Guang Song and Gang Wang |
32 |
9 |
A combined approach for estimating vegetation cover in urban/suburban environments from remotely sensed data |
Chen Yunhao, Shi Peijun, Li Xiaobing, Chen Jin and Li Jing |
32 |
9 |
Mathematical modeling of talus development |
Hiroyuki Obanawa and Yukinori Matsukura |
32 |
9 |
EMOD2Da program in C++ for finite difference modelling of magnetotelluric TM mode responses over 2D earth |
K. Prabhakar Rao and G. Ashok Babu |
32 |
8 |
Statistical and geostatistical analysis of rainfall in central Japan |
Tetsuya Shoji and Hisashi Kitaura |
32 |
8 |
Statistical and geostatistical analysis of wind: A case study of direction statistics |
Tetsuya Shojia |
32 |
8 |
An empirical evaluation of spatial regression models |
Xiaolu Gao, Yasushi Asami and Chang-Jo F. Chung |
32 |
8 |
An inverse analysis of unobserved trigger factor for slope stability evaluation |
Hirohito Kojimaand Shigeyuki Obayashib |
32 |
8 |
Spatial correlation structures of fracture systems for deriving a scaling law and modeling fracture distributions |
Katsuaki Koike and Yuichi Ichikawa |
32 |
8 |
Examining the impact of the precision of address geocoding on estimated density of crime locations |
Yutaka Harada and Takahito Shimada |
32 |
8 |
GIS modeling for predicting river runoff volume in ungauged drainages in the Greater Toronto Area, Canada |
Qiuming Cheng, Connie Koa, Yinhuan Yuana, Yong Gea and Shengyuan Zhang |
32 |
8 |
Optimal systems of geoscience surveyingCA preliminary discussion |
Tetsuya Shoji |
32 |
8 |
Parallel implementation of a velocity-stress staggered-grid finite-difference method for 2-D poroelastic wave propagation |
Dong-Hoon Sheen, Kagan Tuncaya, Chang-Eob Baagb, and Peter J. Ortolevaa |
32 |
8 |
Improved resolution of the multiple inverse method by eliminating erroneous solutions |
Makoto Otsubo and Atsushi Yamaji |
32 |
6 |
Three-dimensional forward and inverse models for gravity fields based on the Fast Fourier Transform |
Young Hong Shin, , Kwang Sun Choic, and Houze Xud |
32 |
6 |
Earth Science Digital Museum (ESDM): Toward a new paradigm for museums |
Shaochun Dong , Shijin Xu and Gangshan Wu |
32 |
5 |
An efficient depression processing algorithm for hydrologic analysis |
Qing Zhu, Yixiang Tian, and Jie Zhao |
32 |
5 |
Analysis of factors influencing the solution of the consolidation problem by using an element-free Galerkin method |
Zhi-Liang Wang, and Yong-Chi Li |
32 |
5 |
VisualAnomaly: A GIS-based multifractal method for geochemical and geophysical anomaly separation in Walsh domain |
Qingmou Li and Qiuming Cheng |
32 |
4 |
Computer simulation of landslides by the contact element method |
Jiang Xiaoyu, Qiao Jianping, Wang Chenghua and Zhao Yu |
32 |
4 |
Spherical harmonic analysis and synthesis using FFT: Application to temporal gravity variation |
Cheinway Hwang, and Yu-Chi Kao |
32 |
4 |
Positional error modeling for line simplification based on automatic shape similarity analysis in GIS |
Chui Kwan Cheung and Wenzhong Shi |
32 |
4 |
A TSAR model for daily evapotranspiration at broad spatial scales: A case study in Northern China |
Yunhao Chen , Xiaobing Li and Jing Li |
32 |
4 |
A committee machine with empirical formulas for permeability prediction |
Chang-Hsu Chen, and Zsay-Shing Lina |
32 |
4 |
The spacing calculator softwareA Visual Basic program to calculate spatial properties of lineaments |
Thushan C. Ekneligoda, and Herbert Henkela |
32 |
4 |
GeoPlot: An Excel VBA program for geochemical data plotting |
Jibin Zhou and Xianhua Li |
32 |
2 |
Remote sensing data change detection based on the CI test of Bayesian networks |
Dai Qin, Ma Jianwen and Ou Yang Yun |
32 |
2 |
A window-based inquiry system for design discharge based on geomorphic runoff modeling |
Kwan Tun Lee, Yi-Ru Chung, Chi-Chung Lau, Chung-Chieh Meng and Shen Chiang |
32 |
2 |
Nonlinear inversion of potential-field data using a hybrid-encoding genetic algorithm |
Chao Chen, Jianghai Xia, Jiangping Liu and Guangding Feng |
32 |
2 |
A note on the dipole coordinates |
Akira Kageyama, Tooru Sugiyama, Kunihiko Watanabe and Tetsuya Sato |
32 |
1 |
Bayesian network classifiers for mineral potential mapping |
Alok Porwal,E.J.M. Carranzaa and M. Halea |
Back to Publication Summary 2006
Computers and Geotechnics
Volume |
Issue |
Paper title |
Author(s) |
33 |
8 |
Fluctuation responses of saturated porous media subjected to cyclic thermal loading |
Bing Bai |
33 |
8 |
Dynamic response of a pile embedded in a porous medium subjected to plane SH waves |
Jian-Fei Lu, Dong-Sheng Jeng and Wei-Dong Nie |
33 |
8 |
Propagation of non-stationary random waves in viscoelastic stratified solids |
Q. Gao, J.H. Lin, W.X. Zhong and F.W. Williams |
33 |
6-7 |
Low-strain integrity testing of drilled piles with high slenderness ratio |
Sheng-Huoo Ni, Lutz Lehmann, Jenq-Jy Charng and Kuo-Feng Lo |
33 |
6-7 |
Charts for estimating strength parameters from slips in homogeneous slopes |
Jing-Cai Jiang and Takuo Yamagam |
33 |
6-7 |
Using zero-thickness elements to simulate suspended cut-off walls in a regional seepage field |
Guan-Yang Luo and Cao Hong |
33 |
6-7 |
Numerical simulation of frost heave with coupled water freezing, temperature and stress fields in tunnel excavation |
Ping Yang , Jie-ming Ke, J.G. Wang, Y.K. Chow and Fen-bin Zhu |
33 |
6-7 |
Nonlinear three-dimensional analysis of pile group supported columns considering pile cap flexibility |
Jinoh Won, Sang-Yong Ahn, Sangseom Jeong , Jinhyung Lee and Seo-Yong Jang |
33 |
4-5 |
Working mechanism of cutoff walls in reducing uplift of large underground structures induced by soil liquefaction |
Huabei Liu and Erxiang Song |
33 |
4-5 |
Image analysis measurement of soil particle movement during a soilCstructure interface test |
Ga Zhang, Dongfang Liang and Jian-Min Zhang |
33 |
4-5 |
Geographical information system-based computational implementation and application of spatial three-dimensional slope stability analysis |
Mowen Xie, Tetsuro Esaki, Cheng Qiu and Chunxiang Wang |
33 |
3 |
Three-dimensional elasto-plastic analysis via the boundary element method |
Trevor G. Davies and Xiao-Wei Gao |
33 |
3 |
Time-dependent response of circular plate in multi-layered poroelastic medium |
Teerapong Senjuntichai and Yasothorn Sapsathiarn |
33 |
3 |
Microplane modeling of sand behavior under non-proportional loading |
Kuang-Tsung Chang and Stein Sture |
33 |
3 |
On two definitions of the factor of safety commonly used in the finite element slope stability analysis |
Hong Zheng L.G. Tham and Defu Liu |
33 |
3 |
Prediction of unconfined compressive strength of soft grounds using computational intelligence techniques: A comparative study |
B.S. Narendra, P.V. Sivapullaiah , S. Suresh and S.N. Omkar |
33 |
2 |
Three-dimensional behaviour of a reinforced earth-retaining structure within a valley |
Chia-Cheng Fan |
33 |
2 |
Influence of vertical load on the lateral response of piles in sand |
S. Karthigeyan, V.V.G.S.T. Ramakrishna and K. Rajagopal |
33 |
2 |
Attenuation effect of artificial cavity on air-blast waves in an intelligent defense layer |
Zhi-liang Wang, J.G. Wang, Yong-chi Li and C.F. Leung |
Back to Publication Summary 2006
Environmental Modelling and Software
Volume |
Issue |
Paper title |
Author(s) |
21 |
8 |
Integrating legacy components into a software system for storm sewer simulation |
Shiu-Shin Lin, Shang-Hsien Hsieh, Jan-Tai Kuo, Ying-Po Liao and Yen-Chang Chen |
21 |
7 |
Simulation of soil erosion and nutrient impact using an integrated system dynamics model in a watershed in Taiwan |
Shin-Cheng Yeh, Chao-An Wang and Hui-Ching Yu |
21 |
7 |
Evaluation of annualized agricultural nonpoint source model for a watershed in the Siwalik Hills of Nepal |
S. Shrestha, Mukand S. Babel , A. Das Gupta and F. Kazama |
21 |
7 |
An integrated water resource management tool for the Himalayan region |
H.G. Rees, M.G.R. Holmes, M.J. Fry, A.R. Young, D.G. Pitson and S.R. Kansakar |
21 |
6 |
Simulation of sulfur transport and transformation in East Asia with a comprehensive chemical transport model |
Meigen Zhang, Yifen Pu, Renjian Zhang and Zhiwei Han |
21 |
6 |
Intelligent control aeration and external carbon addition for improving nitrogen removal |
M. Yong, P. Yong-zhen, W. Xiao-lian and W. Shu-ying |
21 |
6 |
Eutrophication modelling of reservoirs in Taiwan |
Jan-Tai Kuo, Wu-Seng Lung, Chou-Ping Yang, Wen-Cheng Liu, Ming-Der Yang and Tai-Shan Tang |
21 |
5 |
Three-dimensional model for multi-component reactive transport with variable density groundwater flow |
X. Mao H. Prommer, D.A. Barry, C.D. Langevin, B. Panteleit and L. Li |
21 |
5 |
STAO: a component architecture for raster and time series modeling |
A. Jagadeesh Babu, D. Thirumalaivasan and K. Venugopal |
21 |
2 |
Estimation of primary production in the ocean using a physicalCbiological coupled ocean carbon cycle model |
Kisaburo Nakata and Toshimasa Doi |
21 |
2 |
Model study of environmental concentrations of TBT in Tokyo Bay C development of a Windows? version prototype |
Fumio Horiguchi, Joji Yamamoto and Kisaburo Nakata |
21 |
2 |
A CFD solution of oil spill problems |
Pavel Tkalich |
21 |
2 |
A hybrid approach to particle tracking and EulerianCLagrangian models in the simulation of coastal dispersion |
Seung-Won Suh |
Back to Publication Summary 2006
Geographical Analysis
Volume |
Issue |
Paper title |
Author(s) |
38 |
3 |
Exploring a Relationship Between Aggregate and Individual Levels Spatial Data Through Semivariogram Models |
Gandhi Pawita David G. Steel |
38 |
1 |
GeoDa: An Introduction to Spatial Data Analysis |
Luc Anselin, Ibnu Syabri, Youngihn Kho |
38 |
1 |
SANET: A Toolbox for Spatial Analysis on a Network |
Atsuyuki Okabe, Kei-ichi Okunuki, Shino Shiode |
Back to Publication Summary 2006
Volume |
Issue |
Paper title |
Author(s) |
10 |
4 |
Indexing Fast Moving Objects for kNN Queries Based on Nearest Landmarks |
Dan Lin, Rui Zhang and Aoying Zhou |
10 |
3 |
Spatial Query Estimation without the Local Uniformity Assumption |
Yufei Tao, Christos Faloutsos and Dimitris Papadias |
10 |
3 |
A New Method for Feature Mining in Remotely Sensed Images |
Yee Leung, Jian-Cheng Luo, Jiang-Hong Ma and Dong-Ping Ming |
10 |
2 |
A Quantitative Description Model for Direction Relations Based on Direction Groups |
Haowen Yan, Yandong Chu, Zhilin Li and Renzhong Guo |
Back to Publication Summary 2006
International Journal of GIS
Volume |
Issue |
Paper title |
Author(s) |
20 |
10 |
An extended cellular automaton using case-based reasoning for simulating urban development in a large complex region |
Xia Li; Xiaoping Liu |
20 |
10 |
Terrain complexity and uncertainties in grid-based digital terrain analysis |
Qiming Zhou; Xuejun Liu; Yizhong Sun |
20 |
10 |
Accuracy of quantized Voronoi diagrams |
Yukio Sadahiro; Takashi Tominaga |
20 |
8 |
Computing the fuzzy topological relations of spatial objects based on induced fuzzy topology |
Kimfung Liu; Wenzhong Shi |
20 |
6 |
Methods for detecting apparent differences between spatial tessellations at different time points |
Masuyama, Atsushi |
20 |
4 |
XML Web Service©\based development model for Internet GIS applications |
Chang, Yoon©\Seop;?Park, Hyeong©\Dong |
20 |
3 |
3D simulation of soft geo©\objects |
Shen, D. Y.;Takara, K.;Tachikawa, Y.;Liu, Y. L. |
20 |
3 |
Indexing network©\constrained trajectories for connectivity©\based queries |
Li, Xiang;Lin, Hui |
20 |
2 |
A new approach to the nearest©\neighbour method to discover cluster features in overlaid spatial point processes |
Pei, Tao;Zhu, A©\Xing;Zhou, Chenghu;Li, Baolin;Qin, Chengzhi |
20 |
1 |
A hybrid interpolation method for the refinement of a regular grid digital elevation model |
Shi, W. Z.;Tian, Y. |
Back to Publication Summary 2006
Publications by Asian Researchers in 2005
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