Welcome to the English-Chinese
Urban Planning Glossary.
Anthony Gar-On Yeh 葉 嘉 安
Although Chinese is used in Hong Kong SAR, China, and Taiwan, the use of Chinese urban planning terms is different. This glossary will give you the Chinese and English urban planning terms used in Hong Kong SAR, China, and Taiwan, China to facilitate professional and academic exchange. You can either search in English or Chinese. Your computer needs to read Chinese (中文) in order o use this.
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Glossary 詞匯
Source 資料來源 :
香港政府規劃署(1996), 城市規劃常用英漢詞匯, 香港: 政府規劃署
趙洪才主編(1994), 英漢城市規劃與園林綠化語典, 北京: 中國建築工業出版社
黃世孟主編(1994), 都市計劃專用語之解說, 台灣: 都市計劃學會
Last update: September 2021.